Loving Ascent? Join the Climb With Us!
In case you hadn't noticed...it's different around here.
In the best of ways!
In the best of ways!
Ascent is radio powered by community, for community.
All that we do is made possible by an economy of generosity and collaboration. Wanna be a part of something special? We are entirely listener-supported, and we need your help inspiring hope and change through the power of song! Would you consider joining our team of supporters? Here are some ways YOU can make Ascent Radio possible for everyone... |
A New Song -
Royalties -
A Friend -
The Future -
Whether you're in for $1/mo or $100/mo, we would be incredibly honored and grateful to share the journey with you and count you among our partners! Below are a few specific payment platform options to establish a monthly contribution, or to offer a one-time gift to help support the station and the artists we play!
Our primary and most convenient option for designating a specific amount for recurring monthly support or for a single, one-time gift.
Contribute to Ascent quickly through Venmo! Good for single, quick contributions. Venmo, however, does not support monthly recurring contributions.
For those most familiar with the PayPal platform, easily log in and use our donation option to make either a single or recurring contribution!
For More About Us...Curious to know more about why we do what we do?
What we're all about? Click here to read the story behind Ascent, the spark that brought about all we're doing today, or click below to read more about our Mission, our Core Values, or get a feel for the inspiring content available on our Blog! |
These five values inform everything we do, everything we are, everything we will become, and every decision we make - from the choices of programming and content we offer to our internal decision making processes.
We're all about inspiring hope and change through the power of song! Read more about the ways we are committed to building community and amplifying music by women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and other marginalized artists.
A little treat from the Ascent Radio Blog, our reflections at the intersection of great music and social change: "With its mystical, transformative power, music is hard at work in and among us, drawing a better world ever more near."